A tiny Homelab Step 2 Virtual Machine

3 min readMar 30, 2021

This post is a little bit more technical than others, but i will describe all the process step by step, all the necessary links will be at the end.

Because all the homelab is based in virtualization the fist step is download a tool for that task in this case i will use VirtualBox, there are other alternatives like VmWare, but i prefer VirtualBox.

VirtualBox is an hypervisor it virtualize our hardware to create virtual machines this machines is that will create our network.

It’s important say that are two types of hypervisor the type that belongs virtualbox don’t interact directly with hardware it runs like a process in the host computer the consequence of this is a little latency compared whit the other type of hypervisor.

The first step is download virtualbox from the official page, the installation is very simple something like next, next, next, for better performance you can activate the virtualization in the CPU settings in the BIOS.

Now we need the isos of the operative system that we will install in this case Windows server 2019 and windows 10 enterprise (links below).

To create a virtual machine is as easy as click in new, select the operative system, the ram amount and hard drive that we will give, all this will depend of the resources that you have.

After create it we click in settings, in system we can select the amount of cores that we will use and the execution cap, also we can change the amount of ram, now in store we select the iso that we download before doing click on the CD icon and then in the CD icon of the right corner.

Finally we start the machine and install the operative system this process is the same for any machine that you want to create.

This get a little bit long so i wait to the next post to explain some of active directory and how i get stuck.


VirtualBox: https://www.virtualbox.org/

Windows Server 2019: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/evalcenter/evaluate-windows-server-2019?filetype=ISO

Windows 10 Enterprise: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/evalcenter/evaluate-windows-10-enterprise




A boy learning cybersecurity and game development